Things to know
Please see the Parent Information Book for more information
Our Learning Program and Curriculum at Bains Road Preschool
At Bains Road Preschool we believe in providing a safe and nurturing setting. We provide a play-based learning environment, while being guided by the Early Years Learning Framework: Being, Belonging and Becoming. This framework has 5 outcomes:
Outcome 1 – Children have a strong sense of identity.
Outcome 2 – Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
Outcome 3 – Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
Outcome 4 – Children are confident and involved learners.
Outcome 5 – Children are effective communicators.
Educators are also guided by the Preschool Literacy and Numeracy Indicators which support the teaching team to provide and extend children’s experiences by enriching opportunities for literacy and numeracy learning. Educators also teach the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum which is a mandated curriculum that is run across all Department for Education preschools and schools.
Here at Bains Road the educators follow a planning, tracking and monitoring cycle. Throughout the cycle, educators are constantly using documentation and observations as a tool to foster children’s curiosity and engagement here at Preschool. Our documentation can be in the form of child’s voice, photographs, videos, observations, general notes, parent conversations and reflections. Based upon this documentation we are able to plan for and set up the learning environment and our group times to provide high quality learning experiences while taking on the child’s lead by following their interests.
As we get to know the children at the beginning of the year, we work with families in order to set them an individual learning goal. This learning goal may be around supporting a child to further develop their emotional regulation, it could be about supporting their ability to share and articulate their thoughts and ideas within play or it may be about fostering their imagination and creativity. It is a very independent goal which will differ for each child. This goal is something that educators work with children on across the year and will report in within the child’s learning portfolio in the form of learning stories.
During the middle of the year we hold parent/teacher conversations where we will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress so far at Preschool. At the end of the year you will receive a Statement of Learning which is a summative report that will also be provided to the school that your child will attend.
At Bains Road Preschool we believe that communication with families is incredibly important. Educators are available to chat before and after Preschool sessions. However, if you require a longer chat or need to discuss any issues, please let us know and we can make a time to discuss this. This allows us to have all relevant information ready and can spend the time needed to discuss this in depth.
Parent Pockets:
We utilise our noticeboard and parent pockets frequently to send home notes and reminders so we ask that you check these regularly. Towards the end of Term 2, we will hold parent teacher conversations to discuss your child’s progress at Preschool.
Each child will also have their own personal portfolio where we share play pages and artwork throughout the year. This then gets sent home when children finish their preschool journey. We encourage families to look through their child’s portfolio regularly with their children.
We also have a Facebook page which is private and only family members from the group can join. Grandparents and extended family are welcome to join the page. We post reminders, updates, and notices on this page. At the beginning of the year, we will seek parent permission to upload photographs of your child on this page.
Drop-off and pick-up procedures
Parents are asked to sign their child in and out of Preschool on the daily attendance sheet which is located inside the building. If someone other than yourself is going to be collecting your child, please write this next to your child’s name in the notes section. It is essential that parents supervise their own children in the play area prior to and the end of sessions so that everyone is safe. Please ensure gates are secured behind you upon entry and exit. Please be mindful of where children are when leaving the site.
Greeting and farewelling children:
The educators will open the doors at the beginning of the session and parents are asked to bring their child into the building to be greeted by the educators and supported to separate from families. At the end of the session we kindly ask that you wait outside and an educator will bring your child to you after they have collected their belongings. If you need to collect your child early please come in and speak with an educator.
Please notify us by phone call if your child will be absent for any reason.
Additional Support and Specialist Services
If your child has any special needs or you have any concerns about their development please don’t hesitate to speak with our director. If staff have any concerns about your child’s development we will discuss our concerns with you. The director is able to refer your child to support services for extra preschool support.
In order to best support the learning and development of all children we will spend time getting to know the children and learning about their individual skills, knowledge and interests. Specialists available through Department for Education are Speech Pathologists, Special Educators, Psychologists and Social Workers.
Children, who have been identified with additional needs in their learning or development through other agencies, may also be referred for additional assistance through the Preschool Support Program.
Educators work with many other agencies to support children’s learning as we believe Early Intervention is essential.
Children and Youth Health Preschool Screenings
Each term CYH nurses conduct developmental screenings of 4 year old children at the preschool. This screening checks vision, hearing and general development as well as offering a chance to chat with the nurse about your child and their development. Please ask about when the next screening is to be held so that we can ensure your child is included.